0 800 507-727

національна гаряча лінія з питань наркозалежності та зпт

0 800 503-310

національна гаряча лінія з питань
вірусних гепатитів

Let’s summarize the work of the National Hotline on viral hepatitis issues during 7 months of work in 2017 under the control of the “Hope and Trust” Foundation.

During this time we received 608 appeals.

The most common themes of calls were transmission routes of hepatitis, their diagnosis and drugs for treatment, as well as their cost. A significant number of subscribers were interested in free hepatitis C treatment programs, including for vulnerable groups, what needs to be done and where to apply for becoming a member of such program. Also can be distinguished problems of the female respondents in the medical care area, namely pregnancy during hepatitis.

The breakdown by socio-demographic indicators is as follows:

The Hotline operation was made possible thanks to the implementation of the “Partnership to Inspire, Transform and Connect HIV Response” Project with the financial support of the Alliance of Public Health by “Hope and Trust” Foundation.
