0 800 507-727

національна гаряча лінія з питань наркозалежності та зпт

0 800 503-310

національна гаряча лінія з питань
вірусних гепатитів

On November 25-26 the First National Forum of People Who Use Drugs was held in Kyiv.

It was attended by about 100 activists from the PUD community from virtually all regions of Ukraine.

This event is very prominent and unique for the whole society of people using drugs. During the two-day work, many important issues were discussed regarding the protection of the rights of PUD and the formation of drug policies in Ukraine. Problems and challenges that community are facing were discussed, its legalization and opportunities for a safe life, changes in the country in the near future and the introduction of world practices in the country. Speakers called to   pooling of resources, knowledge and experience of all key communities for the development of joint actions.

Separately discussed state drug policy in Ukraine, its formation, and protection of the rights of people using drugs. An important point was the debate on the decriminalization of drug use.

The experience of regional self-organization was presented and many other important issues were solved.
